Category Archives: General
Thermo Suits for Swimming Lessons
Dolphin Swimming now offers customized thermal wetsuit for swimming lesson. Sizes come with both boys and girls in 6yrs old, Small(7-8yrs), Medium(9-10yrs), Large(11-12yrs), X-Large(13-14yrs). Please speak with our onsite staffs if you are interested to purchase.
Keep your little ones warm. Full body suit with short sleeves.
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Wish you all have a prospective Chinese New Year of Monkey
初一 您喜庆新春
初二 您富貴滿堂
初三 您福慧双增
初四 您大吉大利
初五 您满载而归
初六 您春风满面
初七 您人日快乐
初八 您福禄寿存
初九 您如意吉祥
初十 您万事亨通
十一 您一帆风顺
十二 您吉星高照
十三 您阖家欢乐.
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